Steam sets

Adding steam to the production process for animal feeds improves the compressibility (an increase in the press capacity of 20% is no exception) and the condition of the laying mash, among other things. Steam sets inactivates micro-organisms while the sensory properties (including aroma, taste and texture) of the product mix are retained.

For the production of high-quality (dry) steam – the quality is determined by pressure and temperature – Ottevanger supplies steam lines and steam injection systems on mixers, presses, expanders and compactors. Characteristic of the injection systems is the volume-increasing drainage vessel after the reducing unit in which a steam flash, and thus superheated dry steam, is generated.

The compact systems are available with a capacity of 150 – 2.500 kg/hr, are easy to install and use relatively little energy.

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  • Better-quality (dry) steam
  • High-temperature steam up to approx. 140° C
  • Higher product temperature because of the dry steam
  • Energy savings regarding the steam boiler
  • Minimum product fouling caused by condensation
  • Easy to install
  • Contributes to increased conditioning of the product